Droid Explorer adalah sebuah tool untuk mengelola Android yang telah di rooting dengan tampilan sesederhana Windows Explorer. Dengan Droid Explorer ini, kita bisa melihat isi Android kita. Kita bisa juga menginstall dan meng-Uninstall aplikasi Android dengan menggunakan tool ini.
Syaratnya, HP Android harus udah di root terlebih dahulu untuk memakainya. :)
Fitur-fitur yang terdapat pada Droid Explorer:
- Multiple Device Support
- Copy and auto-apply update.zip
- Copy local files to device
- Auto detection of connected/disconnected device
- APK file icon and extended information
- Device command shell window
- Reboot device
- Reboot device in to recovery mode
- Open files for viewing / execution locally with the default file type executable
- Drag & Drop file copy from Explorer
- Flash Recovery Image
- Package Manager (Install & Uninstall)
- No need to mount SD card to access files from computer
- Access files in other directories besides SD card
- Copy files from device to local clipboard
- Paste files from local clipboard to device
- Open files on local machine
- Display open with dialog to specify what to open a file with
- Right click APK and Uninstall
- Right click APK and Install
- Delete files from device
- Take a Screen Shot (landscape or portrait)
- Plugins can register as a component to open files
- Open from within Computer
- Should now work with more ROMs as long as they are Rooted and have busybox
- Device "Friendly Name" instead of device serial number.
- Android Screencast Plugin - Control your android device with your mouse and keyboard
- Install/Uninstall APK files right from explorer
- Standalone plugin runner (will mainly be used for windows 7 jump lists and the apk installer but can be used to run any plugin.
- Better Hero Support
- Backup the "Google Experience" applications and creates an update.zip containing the applications
- Use an existing Android SDK with Droid Explorer, or let Droid Explorer set up the SDK for you.
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